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quarta-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2012

I ask myself if my happiness with you do depends of me, but, honestly, I don't know what conclusions I'm supposed to arrive, I just know that the answers are all in my eyes, for any doubt you could have.  I meant, it's for you just look and see how it's reciprocal what you maybe guess no; I just don't express it with words because my mouth feels unable to say what is easily expressed by my eyes. Behind what seems impossible, you'll see that it's too simple. Dear, I just wanna tell you : Don't search in me words that explain myself, find in my eyes, the answers that maybe you don't know.
É engraçado como o superficial ironicamente se torna tão profundo, é como se de um dia para outro, contos fantásticos passassem a ser a realidade em que vivemos.

sexta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2012

A alegria da conquista é de tão imensa grandeza, que é capaz de tornar insignificante todas as tristezas antes sofridas!